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Synfig - vector-based open-source 2D animation software

Posted on: 19.10.2010  |  By: Konstantin Danev  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:

synfigSynfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based open-source 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources. While there are many other programs currently on the market to aid with the efficient production of 2D animation, we are currently unaware of any other software that can do what our software can.

2D Animation has traditionally been very expensive because every frame must be drawn by hand. Even with today's digital inking and painting software, the process still relies on individuals hand-drawing each frame. This laborious task is called "tweening".
Synfig eliminates the task of manual tweening, producing smooth, fluid motion without the animator having to draw out each frame individually. This allows you to produce 2D animation with fewer people while producing art of a higher quality.

Synfig is available on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, learn more from

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V-Ray 2.0

Posted on: 09.09.2010  |  By: Konstantin Danev  |  Category: Съобщения  |  Source:

V-Ray 2.0

V-Ray 2.0 Upgrade and Pricing Policy


Chaos Group is privileged to announce the so expected news in the V-Ray community: we are ready to upgrade our first and major development V-Ray 1.5 for 3ds Max to V-Ray 2.0.
The upcoming upgrade is per V-Ray 1.5 for 3ds Max license and NOT V-Ray RT license.

What is different about V-Ray 2.0?

The next version of the V-Ray rendering engine will come not only with a number of great new and handy features but will also include V-Ray RT – the interactive rendering tool by Chaos Group and its GPU version. V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max will perfectly combine the V-Ray for 3ds Max production renderer, plus V-Ray RT on CPU and V-Ray RT on GPU and will become a complete rendering solution for the needs of every production pipeline.


For more info click here

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Whirlpool Glamour Kitchen - Kонкурс

Posted on: 17.06.2010  |  By: Konstantin Danev  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:

Glamour Goddess

Whirlpool Glamour Kitchen е първото издание на конкурса на Whirlpool България за криейтив дизайн на кухненско пространство. Основният елемент в надпреварата е новата серия уреди Glamour – лидер по отношение на прецизната иновативна технология и минималистичния, хай-тек дизайн. Вашата задача е да изградите проект за функционална кухня с помощта на уредите за вграждане от серията Glamour. Идейният дизайн трябва да подчертава ергономичността и високото качество на живот. При оценяването на проектите под внимание ще се вземат функционалността на кухненското пространство и оригиналността на идеите.


pic: "Glamour Goddess"

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