Zbrush 4.0 чакането приключи !

Posted on: 11.08.2010  |   By:: Valentin Yovchev  |   Category: Софтуерни новости  |   Source: http://www.pixologic.com/



След извесно отлагане и доста дълго чакане Pixologic най-накрая пуснаха своя продукт Zbrush 4.0

Програмата предлага изключително голям брой на нови подобрения които се надяваме да превърнат живота на нас артистите в много по лек и лесен.Понеже няма смисъл да ви изреждаме броя на всички нови добавки в пгограмата ви препоръчваме да хвърлите един поглед ето тук и сами да се насладите на видеотата от артисти и новите функционалности

които лично мен оставиха без думи.



Ето и малко повече от производителя:

Pixologic has achieved new breakthroughs with the release of ZBrush 4. Through the introduction of completely new tools and the extension or expansion of existing ZBrush utilities, ZBrush 4 sets a new standard for digital art software. ZBrush 4 offers the freedom to explore and create; take your art from concept to final production asset without the need to leave the ZBrush environment. You can also use GoZ to seamlessly transition between ZBrush and other applications.

With this new release, ZBrush continues to evolve in the directions established by the innovations of ZBrush 3.5. Building on the desire to add more intuitive modeling tools such as ZBrush 3.5's QuickSketch, ZSketch and Remesh, version 4 adds ShadowBox, Clip Brushes, and improved SubTools. Hard surface sculpting is now just as easy and powerful as organic modeling. With ZBrush 4 you can create vehicles just as fluidly as creatures, environments or characters. Sculpt anything you can imagine and then paint your work with the SpotLight PolyPainting projection system. Export your work for 3D printing so that you can hold your creation in your hand!

Your 3D creations are only as good as their presentation. Now ZBrush 4 includes an animation timeline allowing you to create moving turntables for your demo reel. Animate poses, store camera positions, sync your animation to music, import audio to test blend shapes and lip sync -- all within ZBrush. More than simply an animation tool, the timeline can also be used to store and switch between your model's states for fast, easy control while working. For example, you can use points on the timeline to swap visibility of entire groups of SubTools, making project management easier than ever. Show your model off in the best light by using the new Best Preview render options to add amazing realism: Render subsurface scattering, ambient occlusion, fibers, advanced shadows and more in no time!


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spybg - August 28 2010
:) аз май май от 20% збръш 80% max почна да става обратното в последно време :)
ruhl - August 23 2010
Който не го е научил,трябва да започва :)
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