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BonesPro 4.50 released

Posted on: 21.12.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

Bones Pro


BonesPro 4.50 released – skin paint and smooth tools


Following the numerous improvements and add-ons from the last releases, the 3d-io development team is proud to release a major update of BonesPro, the sophisticated skinning tool for Autodesk 3dsMax. BonesPro version 4.5 adds the production-proven fast and easy skin painting similar to ZBrush: artists can now paint weight adjustments in real-time and even smooth them out with the brush to achieve exact and elastic skin look & feel, just like using ZBrush / Mudbox.

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HOVER - 3d Architectural Visualization Challenge Winners!

Posted on: 24.11.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:


Announcement of the winners of the second Architectural Visualization Challenge


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LightUp for SketchUp

Posted on: 04.11.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

3dbg LightUp for SketchUp


LightUp for SketchUp is a SketchUp plugin that adds realistic, realtime lighting to your sketchup models. Add lights, add windows, and watch your SketchUp scenes glow with gorgeous reflected light, soft shadows, subtle shading. Gone are the flat, boring surfaces of old.


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PhotoModeler 2010 released

Posted on: 01.11.2010  |  By: Miroslav Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

PhotoModeler 2010 and PhotoModeler Scanner 2010 were released Oct. 28th, 2010 and the changes are impressive!

Summary of What's New

- Amazing speed increases with a combination of rewritten algorithms and multi-core support 
- SmartMatch (PM Scanner) for rapid and automated setup of many scenes without coded targets 
- Geographic coordinate system support


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Synfig - vector-based open-source 2D animation software

Posted on: 19.10.2010  |  By: Konstantin Danev  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:

synfigSynfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based open-source 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources. While there are many other programs currently on the market to aid with the efficient production of 2D animation, we are currently unaware of any other software that can do what our software can.

2D Animation has traditionally been very expensive because every frame must be drawn by hand. Even with today's digital inking and painting software, the process still relies on individuals hand-drawing each frame. This laborious task is called "tweening".
Synfig eliminates the task of manual tweening, producing smooth, fluid motion without the animator having to draw out each frame individually. This allows you to produce 2D animation with fewer people while producing art of a higher quality.

Synfig is available on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, learn more from

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Futuristic Robots - Inspirational artworks

Posted on: 15.10.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Вдъхновение  |  Source: 3dtotal


Robots are electro-mechanical machines that are being created by people for decades. They are able to do complicated tasks on their own. There are many various types of robots like military robots, factory robots etc. This collection shows some great inspirational examples gathered from all around the web.


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Making of "Zerg Hydralisk"

Posted on: 15.10.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Интервюта  |  Source:



David Chung the contestant of Starcraft Fanart a few days back, is now the winner. There was a winner in the making all the way... we at CGTantra bring to you how David emerged to be "The Winner". And he gives an in depth making of his winning work The ZergHydralisk. Read more here.

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Sketchbook Pro 2011 released

Posted on: 15.10.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2011 released for Mac and Windows! 15-day full-feature trial is available for download.

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Exotique 6 Набира творби за новата книга!

Posted on: 08.10.2010  |  By: Valentin Yovchev  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:



Ballisticpublishing удължи с още малко времето за което можете да публикувате творби за поредната си Art-книга.

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Inspirational Examples of Physics Simulations

Posted on: 30.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Вдъхновение  |  Source: vimeo


Collection of some stunning examples of creative 3D simulations. Check out all of them here!


Physics simulations are becoming more and more advanced and more spectacular each year. With processors that are becoming faster and faster computers are able to calculate complicated simulations ending up with really stunning effects. This collection consist of some beautiful physics simulations made using RayFire plug-in for 3D application or NVIDIA PhysX. Both of them enable designers to create very realistic 3D simulations.

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